The Mindset of RACING🚲🚲🚲
This weekend mountain biking at the OMM (Original Mountain Marathon) in the Forest of Dean was brutal.
What amazes me whilst racing is how your thoughts swing from one direction to the next:
🌞 God, what a beautiful day, I love biking in the woods!
☈ Another bloody hill, I hate riding this sort of trail
🌞 love feeling so strong and powerful
☈ I feel broken , everything hurts
🌞 wow, we’ve cycled 90km and explored some amazing new places
☈ I don’t want to cycle anymore, I’m hating every minute
🌞 I feel amazing
☈ I feel terrible
🌞 can’t wait to race again tomorrow
☈ No way am I getting back on this bloody bike tomorrow
🌞 I reckon we could be winning
☈ we are definitely loosing
And on, and on the thoughts in my head keep changing.
Unable to keep a ‘fixed state of mood. That’s because there is NO such thing.
Apparently, we have around 70,000 thoughts a day. No thoughts are wrong or right.
How do you feel during racing?
Probably every feeling.
So don’t be fooled into believing You should ‘enjoy’ & ‘love every minute. You will likely feel everything.